Charlie Brooker's Screenwipe S5E3P4

01:31 Unknown 0 Comments

Part 4 of Charlie Brooker's interview with top screenwriters

My notes from this clip:

  • Avoid exposition in dialogue - "i'd rather be confused for 10 minutes than bored for 5 seconds"
  • If you want to see an example of goos stage direction, read the screenplay for Ultimate Force. I tried to find a link to it, but couldn't! Might want to try the script for Lethal weapon
  • Action direction is important, but don't make it lengthy. The action directions should be as exciting as the story.

Someone once pointed out to me that in supermarkets it should be '10 items or fewer', not '10 items or less'. Once you see an error like that, it sticks out. It's the same with bad dialogue.  After watching this clip, bad dialogue in the future will stick out like a sore thumb. 

Soooo, if you are a writer, it's a great thing. If you're not, you might not want to watch!